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This files takes the different sources and creates an array of every single file

path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs'
{log, dir} = console
{inspect} = require 'util'
fileExists = fs.exists || path.exists

_ = require '../node_modules/underscore'
async = require '../node_modules/async'
readdirp = require '../node_modules/readdirp'
minimatch = require '../node_modules/minimatch'

r = 

SourcesToFiles(sources, options, callback(err, files))

This will take a source array containing directories and files and will transform it to an array of files only

sourcesToFile(['./js', 'lib/cat.js'], function(files) {
  // will return ['/path/to/js/a.js', '/path/to/js/b.js', '/path/to/lib/cat.js']

Callback has one argument. files contains complete path to all files.

options is a hash : {recursive:boolean}

  sourcesToFiles: (sources, options, callback=(->))->
    [callback, options] = [options, {}] if typeof options is 'function'

    sources = [sources] if typeof sources is 'string'

This is a wrapper so I can use options

    sourceToFiles = (source, callback)->
      r.sourceToFiles source, options, callback
    async.map sources, sourceToFiles, (err, files)->
      return callback(err) if err
      callback err, _.uniq(_.flatten(files))

SourceToFiles(source, options, callback(err, files))

Takes a single source (a file or a directory) and transforms it to resolved file paths

  sourceToFiles: (source, options, callback)->
    [callback, options] = [options, {}] if typeof options is 'function'
    resolved = path.resolve source
    fileExists resolved, (exists)->
      return callback "`#{resolved}` doesn't exist" unless exists

Check if a directory

      fs.stat resolved, (err, stats)->
        if stats.isDirectory()

Wrapper for file info

          filterFileInfoWrapper = (info)->
            r.filterFileInfo(info, options)

Run recursively or not

          readdirpOptions = {root:resolved,fileFilter:filterFileInfoWrapper}
          readdirpOptions.depth = 0 if options.recursive? && !options.recursive
          readdirp readdirpOptions, (err, res)->
            return callback(err) if err?  
            files = res.files.map (file)->(file.fullPath)
            callback null, files
          callback null, [path.resolve(source)]


Filters file info sent by readdirp

  filterFileInfo: (info, options)->
    r.filterFilename info.name, options


  filterFilename: (name, options)->
    keep = minimatch(name, '*.js')
    ignore = r.ignoreFile(name, options)
    keep and not ignore


If the file should be ignored

  ignoreFile: (name, options)->
    ignoreList = _.flatten [(options.ignore ? [])]
    _.any ignoreList, (i)->
      minimatch(name, i)
module.exports = r

generated Tue Oct 08 2013 12:10:31 GMT-0400 (EDT)