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path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs'
{exec} = require 'child_process'
{log, error} = console
{inspect} = require 'util'

coffee = require '../../node_modules/coffee-script'
_ = require '../../node_modules/underscore'
colors = require '../../node_modules/colors'

r = 

exec(cmd, options, callback)

Overrides child_process.r.exec to log to console and exit if there's an error

bakerhelper.exec 'rm *.js', {cwd:'./lib'}, (err, stdout, stderr)->

options : See (child_process)[http://nodejs.org/api/childprocess.html#childprocesschildprocessr.execcommandoptionscallback] documentation

The callback is passed three arguments (err, stdout, stderr)

  exec : (cmd, options, callback=null)->
    [callback, options] = [options, {}] if not callback?
    log "#{'Executing'.bold.green} `#{cmd}`"
    exec cmd, options, (err, stdout, stderr)->
      if err?
        error stderr.red
        process.exit 1
      log stdout.grey if stdout? && stdout != ''
      callback?(err, stdout, stderr)

compileCoffeescripts(directory, option={})

Compile all the coffeescripts into javascript files from a directory (not recursive)

bakerhelper.compileCoffeescripts './lib/'
bakerhelper.compileCoffeescripts './bin/', {shebang:true}

options.shebang : If it should add a shebang at the top of the file

  compileCoffeescripts: (directory, options={})->

Compile each coffee in js in bin

    directory = path.resolve directory
    fs.readdir directory, (err, files)->
      files.forEach (file)->

Check if it's a coffee file

        if path.extname(file) is '.coffee'
          filename = "#{directory}/#{file}"
          log "#{'Read'.bold} #{filename.italic}"
          fs.readFile filename, (err, data)->
            console.error err and process.exit 1 if err?
            log "#{'Compile'.bold} #{filename.italic}"        
            js = coffee.compile(data.toString())

Add a shebang on top

            js = "#!/usr/bin/env node\n#{js}" if options.shebang

Save to file

            filename = filename.replace /\.coffee$/, '.js'
            log "#{'Write'.bold} to #{filename.italic}"
            fs.writeFile filename, js, 'utf8', (err)->
              error err and process.exit 1 if err?


Generate doc with docco-husky and push it to the gh-pages branch.

bakerhelper.compileCoffeescripts ['./lib/', './bin']
  generateDoccoHusky: (directories)->
    directories = (_.flatten([directories])).join ' '
    directory = path.resolve './'

Create a tmp directoryectory

    r.exec 'mktemp -d', (err, stdout, stderr)->
      error err if err?
      tmp = stdout.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '') 

clone the git in that temp directory

      r.exec "git clone #{directory} #{tmp}", (err, stdout, stderr)->
        error err if err?
        log stdout

Change branch to gh-pages

        r.exec "git checkout gh-pages", {cwd:tmp}, (err, stdout, stderr)->
          error err if err?
          log stdout

Create doc

          r.exec "docco-husky #{directories}", (err, stdout, stderr)->
            error err if err?
            log stdout

Move the doc to the tmp directory

            r.exec "cp #{directory}/docs/* #{tmp} -r", (err, stdout, stderr)->
              error err if err?
              log stdout

Commit to gh-pages

              r.exec "git add . && git commit -am 'Generated automatically'", {cwd:tmp}, (err, stdout, stderr)->
                error err if err?
                log stdout

Push to gh-pages

                r.exec "git push origin gh-pages", {cwd:tmp}, (err, stdout, stderr)->
                  error err if err?
                  log stdout

Remove the docs directory

                  r.exec "rm -r #{directory}/docs/" 
module.exports = r

generated Tue Oct 08 2013 12:10:32 GMT-0400 (EDT)